EZLO+Google PDF Viewer

Google, being the benevolent giant they are, have made the api to their document viewer public. Upon realizing this, I added the option to view PDFs through Google rather than downloading a copy each time you wanted to check something. It works reasonably well, although you have to set your PDF to be public in […]


Instead of sleeping, I wrote a new story. Here’s an older, experimental one: Friend: feels highly unmotivated – no inspiration right now. Me: I know just what you need! How does a juvenile sea dragon sound? The salesman came from behind: facing the wall, there was no way out without breaking several generally held social […]

Sleepy Friday #2: Stuff, stuff, failure

So, quick status report before I sleep. I haven’t been getting enough sleep, so I’m kind of wiped out right now.  My day went like this: school, talk to professor, eat, school, work on next iteration of coilgun, break an ott light, eat greasy food, go to a concert, made a smoothie, and tried to […]

Upgraded WordPress, Facebook Attack!

At long last, I’ve upgraded wordpress: it was surprisingly painless, since I’d finally figured out how to smooth the process. Well, I’m going to be upgrading much more often now. Also, I’ve taken to writing stories on-the-fly for various posts on Facebook. I’m thinking about posting them here for posterity, so here’s the first one. […]

Fun Friday #1: EZLO Upgrades!

So, I’ve decided that every friday will be devoted to ignoring homework as much as humanly possible, and instead working on one of my side projects. So, today, I fixed the showing older document function (technically, actually made it publicly available), fixed the image handling so that it works with the dual LaTeX engines, and just did […]

EZLO Update

I’ve done some work on EZLO! The first time in at least a month! Even though I haven’t exposed the functionality, you *can* access your old stuff now. Also, I gave the login page a facelift and exposed the link to the quickstart. Now for outstanding issues: Diffs *need* to work. If more than one […]

Printing Envelopes with Cups and the P1006 [Redacted]

Although it’s not technically a hack, I put some good minutes and iterations into making this work, so here’s a system I cobbled together one late night, when the rent was due and my handwriting bad. Doing envelopes is not especially straightforward under Linux (as of yet). Open office does have an envelope wizard, but […]

Quickie LED Light Hack

This is a very quick and easy hack to convert an LED light that runs off batteries to mains (wall) power. Standard warning: following these instructions may kill/maim/turn into flowers everyone your know and hold dear. Be smart. Usually, LED lights run off batteries, because… well, let’s expand the acronym. LED stands for light-emitting diode, […]

Happy New Years!

Good things: I’m done (kind of, depending on whether I’ll apply tweaks to the final or before) with the animatric for anim3, I hacked a light (more on this, perhaps tomorrow), and I found another webcomic (dresdencodak.com, filled with all sorts of cool art, interesting stories, and thinking material. It’s a wonder I hadn’t found […]