Review – Carnegie Hall

So I’ve been to Carnegie Hall twice in two weeks, and haven’t written anything about either of those events, so… I suppose I should rectify that. First, a little background. Despite my grounding in classical music, I hadn’t gotten into Carnegie Hall in the nearly 7 months I’ve been in New York. I know, shame, […]

Review – Asus Laptop

So I decided to take a bit of time out from the programming project of death, and do a laptop review. Depending on how you look at it, this review is either way overdue or given too soon. As it stands, I have some time to sit down and write it out, so I’m doing […]

Full of Fail

So I told myself that I’d update every single day of break with something cool and interesting. So far, it’s day 5, and I’ve only put up one post, which is somewhat depressing and not that cool. However, it does not mean I’m not getting anything done: instead, I like to think that it’s just […]

It seemed like a bad idea at the time

This past week, a couple of us techheads were shooting the breeze (yes, during midterms, and yes, the night before the algorithms midterm of death) and the turns of the conversation touched briefly on bringing programming to the masses, lingering for a few moments on things like hypercard and The Diamond Age. The Diamond Age […]