Tired Friday #3 – Arduinos, Breadboards, TP, and soldering

Okay, so friday, right. First, I edited an arduino program so that it should read a frequency from a spinning thing-a-ma-jig (look, I’m really tired for some reason), and adjust the power delivered to the motor that spins the thing-a-ma-jig with PWM. It depends on if we can get something to switch fast enough; transistor, maybe. And since we’re using a breadboard arduino to make sure our dev board doesn’t die, that’s where the breadboard comes from.

We’re out of TP, and my roomie left for home for the weekend. Yeah, gonna have to go scrounge some up somewhere.

I spent some 2 hours (really? only?) soldering up my minty-amp, which proved to be a tedious failure: trying to bridge tiny distances with short wires is amazingly frustrating: I hereby renounce my cavalier attitude towards laying stuff on perfboard. To put it lightly, I’m not very happy with myself.

Milestone: one tube of solder almost gone! Have something like 10cm left.

Finally, there will be no friday update next week: I’ll be in the thick of the MCM, so my life will be somewhat chaotic. Go me.

Yeah, I’m tired. Have a story, I’m not gonna buffer anymore.

Friend: i haven’t been this bored in a long time… hellllp

Me: write a story

you know thats not very helpful

well try something artsy fartsy with it you know something different

Tangy sea air, wafting lemon pie, musty cardboard

what is that even supposed to mean

hell if i know just take a world and run with it to somewhere youve never been before

well i gotta do homework

Light breeze, chill air with a slight bite, spongy chair, feather weight pencil, sticky eraser cruft,

homework can wait sometimes we just need to escape out of reality and have some time to ourselves

but we have to deal with our problems in reality just look at how screwed up the world is trying to seek escape into some contrived world wont help anyone

and that is where you are wrong

Filtered surf, muted grandfather clock in the living room, breeze through tall grass, distant birds clawing for a meal, percussion of bare toe on wood floor

screw this i cant finish my essay im going to go watch some tv

but you can watch tv anytime now a blank page calls to you to fill it with something anything

but i dont even know where to begin and the only thing i can think of is a direct rip off of my favorite show

the important thing is to create versus consumption its cheesy but writing is the one thing they teach us that we can easily create with

Yellowed mid-afternoon sun, two dark frames splashed against baby blue walls, ajar door leading to hushed interior, ebullient billowing drapes, congested room brimmed with empty boxes, limitless sky,

so how do you