DIY Book Binding

As Maker Faire is fast approaching, I happen to be in the making spirit. Actually, that isn’t the reason why I decided to try out DIY book binding, but no matter. The fact of the matter is that propaganda sometimes takes on long forms, and sometimes getting people to read things on the internet is […]

Review – Advanced Linux Programming

Upon finding out about Advanced Linux Programming through one of my social streams, I slotted it into the “to-read” queue and went off on my merry way. Once I got my Kobo Touch, though, I bumped up the priority on ALP because, well, it’s available as an ebook (pdf) (which I put together into one […]

Summer 2011 – Week #16 Review [Exeunt]

Oh my. Last weekly post. Decided that the reprap would have to wait until I got myself across the country. Yup, no print in California before the end of the summer, very sad. Finished up my internship. I’ll post about it soon, but suffice it to say that I had loads of fun and got […]