Summer 2011 – Week #11 Review

Oh my only a month left. Techshop laser class: I know, I already did a laser cutter class but Techshop is much more concerned with how their equipment is used than your usual hackerspace, and hence whatever previous experience I have is null and void. Which is a good thing, because my previous experience pretty […]

[Facebook] To tell a story

One of my friends floated the writing of a serial fairy tale to his Facebook (which was met with much enthusiasm) which he was publicly announcing so it would actually get started, and I got a 30 minute story idea too good to not write down (or too terrible to mention, depending on how you […]

Summer 2011 – Week #10 Review

Hit the teens! Almost only a month left, gotta go faster go faster go faster. At the SVI hackathon, I ran a web server from my phone. Since this is obviously the pinnacle of my life, I can die happy Went to a SF Symphony Concert. Solo cellist was less than spectacular despite his credentials, […]

Summer 2011 – Week #9 Review

Ho boy More Rigging! I swear, I’ll start animating in earnest… now Less wrong and Happy hour! Really, these are becoming regular events I saw 2 folding bikes! Exciting, although they were better brands than mine (Dahon). I also swear that I’ll be putting out that bike review soon… Yeah, not much noteworthy happened this […]

Summer 2011 – Week #8 Review

Happy halfway point! Rigging! (forever and ever) posted some silly videos to my youtube account Biked around Google’s main campus, was terrible at DDR, and drank fancy grape soda. Oh, and discovered that Chromebooks are nicely built, like a really nice netbook. I mean, matte screen? MIND BLOWN Less Wrong Meetup! Missed the butter eating […]

Summer 2011 – Week #7 Review

Another week, another update. Mistake! There will actually be 16 of these, since I’m a dumb and didn’t actually count out the weeks, despite any piece of calendering software making this trivial. Hackathon! That was in a kind of weird format! (really, what hackathon goes for barely 8 hours?) No corporate endorsements! No draws! But […]