Early Friday update
So, I figured that I would just update everyone on exactly how I’m throwing my life away. First and foremost, I finished another set of reprap parts, this time the z-axis support brackets. If I can move it along, and my partner in crime joins in, then we’ll have these parts made in no time. Now, I won’t have access to the machine shop for the next week, so implementation will halt for a while. That’s not such a bad thing, since I need to get everything else caught up with the machining. I have plastic, and a bunch of bare pcbs, but no bearings or even a guarantee that we have the rods we need, nor any of the SMD parts we need to solder to the pcbs; heck, I’m not even sure how we’re going to do the extruder, especially since swighton (originator of the extruder design) doesn’t have a good extruder either. If we’re going to finish this by the end of March (highly optimistic, and probably not possible if I want to keep all of my limbs) then I’ll need to really step up the rest of the parts of the projects, which dovetails with the presence of a spring break! Now, it’s almost time to go out with friends and hit the town, so I’ll leave more thoughts for later.